Materials: brass, aluminum cement
Techniques: grinding, casting
Dimensions: 35x12x170 cm
Photo location: Kunstruimte KuuB
Equanimity Series
Equanimity is a series of sculptures which al consist of two elements enabling each other to stand. Combining tension and stability the pieces visualise balance which is inspired by the visual forces in man made constructions such as cranes and bridges.
I’ve always been attracted to visual forces in big constructions. The fact that these constructions are shaped in such a technical and logical way while they carry a feeling of balanced serenity fascinates me. The tension, massive proportions and overhang of load-bearing elements feel like a unity together which sometimes evoke the feeling of the balance in nature.
The elements which make a construction feel like natural balance together with material properties which unfold while crafting the brass by hand created the shapes of the sculptures.