
A moment in time, a fraction of a continuous series. Powered by the wind, Moment creates a floating and moving play between chaos and order, balance and imbalance. Flowing from one moment into the next.

Project supported by: Mondriaanfonds

Materials: Steel, linseed oil finish

Techniques: Digital modeling, welding, balancing

Dimensions: 200x200x170cm


This sculpture arose from the inspiration I get from looking at trees, (house) plants and their leaves. Both the details and the overall experience that flora can give me play a role in this work. The way a tree shaft rises firmly and well-founded from the earth, how leaves emerge and roll out, as well as the simple natural perfection of a tree, have been the breeding ground for the creation of this work. The titel Ortus literally means emergence, in this case the emergence of a freely interpretable floral form.

Project supported by: Mondriaanfonds

Materials: Bronze

Techniques: Moddeling, casting

Dimensions: 40x40x60cm

Ortus Mini

Project supported by: Mondriaanfonds

Materials: Bronze, Padouk wood

Techniques: Modelling, casting

Dimensions: 8x10x20cm


Project supported by: Mondriaanfonds

Materials: Bronze, Peach wood

Techniques: Modelling, casting

Dimensions: 23x7x12cm


Alf is a  a dynamic sculpture that's constantly changing shape due to outside temperatures. For a long time this principle has been on my mind. I wanted to create a sculpture which reacts on it’s natural enviroment, in this case temperature. It has resulted in a sculpture in constant movement, changing it’s shape trough the time of the year. It’s movement is very subtile and can be percieved a little trough the course of a day while major changes in shape are a matter of seasonality.

The work is situated at TAK Art Space and can be visited by appointment. More info:

Project supported by: Amarte Fonds, Stichting Stokroos

Video by: Art Forever

Materials: Brass, aluminum, stainless steel

Techniques: Forging, milling, lathe

Dimensions: 200x60x230cm